Pure Stroke Golf – Putting Training Alignment Aid


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Pure Stroke Golf


Discussion of the Design

The length of the putting aid is equivalent to the diameter of most golf balls (1.68 inches) to help with ball alignment.  The angled surfaces make the training aid very sensitive to the putter face being open or closed upon ball impact.  This is the part of the design that trains you to be “square” at ball impact.  This will also train you to stay square at backstroke and release.  The alignment marks on the aid are used in conjunction with the alignment marks on your putter to help ensure you are striking the “sweet spot”.

We use aluminum as our material.  The grade we use is strong and aluminum is light weight and resists corrosion.

The Putting Training Aid Story

The 100% Pure Stroke® Putting Training Aid was originally invented by Mr. George Nehbras.  Mr. Nehbras was an avid golfer and even played on a college golf team.  He has a creative mind and a desire to help golfers improve their putting game.  We purchased the rights to the training aid in 2017.  We thank Mr. Nehbras for his creativity and give him credit for this invention.

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Black, Gold, Blue, Red


Pure Stroke Golf

Pure Stroke Golf - Putting Training Aids
Pure Stroke Golf